Details of fees and levies can be obtained from the accounts department of the school. All fees and charges are paid through bank drafts. The fees for each term should be paid on or before the first day of the term. Fees are subject to review from time to time. Notice of an increase in fees is usually given a considerable time before hand. School fees are paid annually or termly, but are due on or before the first day of school. These include Registration, Tuition, Deposit, and Feeding, as well as Caution. Fees are subject to upward review when necessary. Full and prompt payments made annually are discounted.
Registration Fee: This is a one-time non-refundable payment
Caution: This is refundable only upon application at the end of the students schooling period, if the student has not caused damage to the school property. This payment is made at the time of enrolment.
Mode of payment: Only certified bank drafts made payable are acceptable.